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Monday, April 12, 2010

Festival Slovenian Polka and Waltz

I'm on my laptop, waiting for the "16. festival SLOVENSKA POLKA IN VALČEK" (16th Festival Slovenian Polka and Waltz) to start live on TV Slovenia 1. 14 new tunes, all performed live, straight from the crib of the Cleveland-Style... :)

"Festival SLOVENSKA POLKA IN VALČEK" is the biggest folk music event in Slovenia and the winning groups (one in Polka and one in "Valček" - Waltz category) usually become very popular overnight. Then their tunes are playing often on the local and national radio stations, they get invitations to perform in most watched TV shows and other folk groups play tunes of the year at dances all over the country and abroad.

If you're up to listening to some good polka music, here's the link that will take you directly to the video (unfortunately, Slovenian National TV website did not provide the embed code for the show). So, click below, this link opens a new window and starts playing after a few moments:
Festival Slovenian Polka and Waltz

This year, Festival Slovenian Polka and Waltz also stirred quite a buzz on Facebook. Many participating ensembles were inviting their FB friends to come to the live event - or at least vote for them via tele-voting.

We will hear 14 new tunes, performed live at "Marmorna dvorana (Marble Hall) - Gospodarsko razstavišče" in Ljubljana.

The show began with last year's winners, "Ansambel Roka Žlindre" and their Slovenian Waltz 2009: Del srca and "Ansambel Golte" and their Slovenian Polka 2009: Če te luna nosi. 

The 2010 list of competing groups and tunes, chosen out of 76 that applied:
  1. Ansambel Lisjaki (Ensemble He-Foxes) - waltz "Zdaj, ko je daleč dom" (Now that home is far away)
  2. Tapravi faloti (Real Scoundrels) - polka "Muzikanti, muzikanti (Musicians, musicians)
  3. Donačka - waltz "Vem, da nisem sama" (I Know I'm not Alone)
  4. Rudi Šantl in Šank kvintet - polka "Nas glasba osrečuje" (Music makes us happy)
  5. Iskrice (Sparks) - waltz "Sedem let sva se ljubila" (We loved each other for seven years)
  6. Pajdaši (Comrades) - polka "Drobna laž" (Little Lie)
  7. Zapeljivke (Seducing Girls) - waltz "Le noč bo prespala ob meni" (Only night will sleep next to me)
  8. Veseli svatje (Happy Wedding Guests) - polka "Ljubim ženo poročeno" (I love a married woman)
  9. Domen Kumer s prijatelji (Domen Kumer with Friends) - waltz "Nekoč bom jaz tvoj angel" (Some day I'll be your angel)
  10. Novi spomini (New Memories) - polka "Fičfirič" (Good-for-nothing)
  11. Štajerski baroni (Viscounts from Štajerska Region) - waltz "Pesem o ljubezni" (Song about love)
  12. Naveza (Attachment) - polka "Pa naj ji bo" (Let her be)
  13. Zaka' pa ne (And why not) - waltz "Pridi nazaj" (Come back)
  14. Vihar (Storm)- polka "Še čakam te" (I'm still waiting for you)
For ten minutes Slovenians can vote for their favorite tune from stationary and mobile phones.

The panel of judges, three generations of 5 professional musicians chose:
  • best lyrics: Donačka - waltz "Vem, da nisem sama" (I Know I'm not Alone)
  • best trio: Novi spomini (New Memories) - polka "Fičfirič" (Good-for-nothing)
  • best quintet: Donačka - waltz "Vem, da nisem sama" (I Know I'm not Alone)
While waiting for the votes, absolute winners of  "Festival SLOVENSKA POLKA IN VALČEK 2005"  - Zlati muzikanti (Golden musicians) are playing their winning tune "Berač" (Beggar).

Then, vocalist Irena Verčkovnik, celebrating 20th anniversary of her performing, joins "Zlati muzikanti" and sings with them the famous waltz "Jadraj z menoj" (Sail with me) by Slavko Avsenik.

Štajerskih 7 (The 7 from Štajerska Region) are next on the stage with one of the most beautiful Slovenian waltzes - "Pesem zvonov" (Song of the bells).

Nuška Drašček joins them to sing "Venček polk" (Polka Medley) with them.

The new best Slovenian polka for 2010 is:
Novi spomini (New Memories) - polka "Fičfirič"

And new best Slovenian waltz for 2010 is:
Iskrice (Sparks) - waltz "Sedem let sva se ljubila" (We loved each other for seven years)

Now it's time for the second round of tele-voting during which the listeners are voting for the absolute winner - one of the above two.

In the meantime, Ansambel Franca Miheliča is playing "Slovenski venček" (Slovenian Medley). In 2010 they celebrate their 45th anniversary.

Time to announce the group that received most tele-votes -
Absolute winners of this festival:
Novi spomini (New Memories) - polka "Fičfirič" (Good-for-nothing)


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