Daria's World - blog about people and things that matter the most

Monday, April 26, 2010

National flower of Slovenia

As my birthday gift (a gift from me to you on my birthday) I'm sharing with you this beautiful picture of carnation, the national flower of Slovenia. I took the photo in my front yard and since the bloom is so bright red, it took me quite a few shots before I got the color right.

Photo above: Red carnation, Slovenian national flower

Many of you are probably familiar with the fact that Slovenia is the only country with the word "love" in its name: SLOVENIA. What is new to me is that the Latin name of Slovenian national flower "Dianthus" also roughly translates to "flower of love" or "flower of gods." Does that sound like a match, made in heaven - or what?? ;)

A Pink Carnation and More
Photo A Pink Carnation and More - courtesy of Michael's Photos!

Throughout the centuries, carnation flowers have been appreciated because they are delicate, durable and delightful - all in one. In the early 20th century, in U.S. carnations became the official flowers of Mother's Day while, as far back as I can remember, in Slovenia (even in days of late Yugoslavia), red carnation was an official flower of International Women's Day (March 8).

Photo Carnation - courtesy of suz kosh

Another thing that I know for a fact (without doing any research and looking for sources) is that in the history of Slovenians, carnation carried and important symbolic message. In traditional arts and crafts carnations have been stitched, carved, painted, drawn and designed in numerous other ways, over and over and over again. Now that I know all these new facts about this precious flower, I know already that sometime soon I'll make another webpage, devoted to the national flower of Slovenia, carnation - Dianthus caryophyllus.

"Carnation Station / Yellow" 1st of 2008
Photo Carnation Station - courtesy of Madonovan

And if You like flowers, take a peak of what's blooming around my house right now. Click on the link below, it opens a new window:
My birthday flower bouquet



  1. Wow I didn't know any of that. It's always good to learn something every day. Thanks for the history lesson, and fun facts. :DD

  2. Thanks for presenting some unique flower plant. These flowers are really attractive. Flower bouquet made of these flowers will enhance the beauty of the bouquet. Hoping to post more information about some other unique flowers plants.


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