Daria's World - blog about people and things that matter the most

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day Bouquet
Photo Mother's Day Bouquet - courtesy of Ko&Ka

Mothers hold their children's hands 
for a short while, 
but their hearts forever. 
 ~Author Unknown

Happy Mother's day
to all the moms out there!! :)

And especially for all the mommies today, a very heartfelt song by Majda Sepe - "Poj, kitara mojega srca" (Sing, My Heart's Guitar).

Lyrics in Slovenian (partial):

Prelep je dan,
sonce se smehlja kot mati.
Obljublja nam,
da poletje je pred vrati.
In kdor je sam
našel bo morda ljubezen...

Lyrics in English (partial):

It's a beautiful day,
the sun is smiling like mother
with promises of
summer just around the corner.
And those who are alone
might find love...


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful greeting for Mother's Day! Thank you so very much. I love the song. Slovenian is a very lovely language.


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