Daria's World - blog about people and things that matter the most

Monday, August 9, 2010

Slovenian mount Raduha

Hut on Grohot meadow under mt. Raduha, SloveniaImage via Wikipedia: Hut on Grohot meadow under mt. Raduha
Tadej Štalekar from Mislinjska Dobrava in Slovenia was kind enough to let me use his photos from his recent Alpine-climbing trip to Kamnik-Savinja Alps in municipality Luče.

Mount Raduha (6765 ft / 2062 m) is a peak that offers magnificent views all around. Its SE slopes are covered with spruce forests and meadows to approximately 1600 meters above sea level. Above that there are only grassy slopes and pinetrees. On almost all meadows from both sides you can still see animals grazing on pastures.

The other - NW - side of mount Raduha is a cold and dark rocky wall. Recommended for climbers with at least some experiences.

And if you're not into Alpine climbing in Slovenian Alps, take a trip there via this video below. No mountain shoes and backpack needed! :)

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