Daria's World - blog about people and things that matter the most

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Afternoon with Mollie B

Well attended event with the Squeeze Box and Mollie B left everyone happy. We had great musicians, happy dancers, great audience - and even good food.

Mollie B with her fans in Spring Hill, FL - Image credit: Daria 

Mark your calendars for next year!

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Navihanke - Slovenian tunes medley

This is a nice medley of some popular Slovenian tunes, performed by ensemble Navihanke. All the members of this band are young ladies, still students.

Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Član parlamenta gre v nebesa

Član parlamenta hodi po cesti,zadene ga tovornjak in povozi do smrti. Njegova duša gre v nebesa,kjer se pred vhodom sreča s Sv. Petrom.

"Dobrodošel v nebesa" reče Sv. Peter,"Preden te nastanim, hm, izgleda da imamo problem. Zelo poredko se znajdejo tukaj visoki funkcionarji, tako da ne vemo kaj bi s tabo."

"Ti samo spusti me noter. Ne bo problema," reče možakar.

"Če bi smel bi te spustil, se pa moram držat navodil od zgoraj. Predpis je tak, da moraš preživet en dan v peklu, en dan v nebesih. Nato se boš odločil kje boš preživel večnost."

"Že že, ampak jaz sem se odločil da bi šel v nebesa," reče poslanec.

"Žal, predpisi so predpisi."

Takoj nato, ga Sv.Peter pospremi do dvigala, ki se spusti dol, dol in dol, do pekla. Vrata se odprejo in poslanec se znajde sredi lepo negovanega golf igrišča. Nedaleč stran so klubski prostori, pred njimi pa veliko njegovih prijateljev in drugih politikov, ki so včasih skupaj delali.

Vsi so razposajeni in veseli,lepo oblečeni v večernih oblekah. Pritekli so mu nasproti ga pozdravit, obujali so spomine na lepe čase ki so jih skupaj doživljali in bogateli na račun davkoplačevalcev.

Odigrali so prijateljsko tekmo golfa, nato se gostili z jastogom in kaviarjem ter pili šampanjec. Zraven je tudi gospodar/hudič, ki je zelo prijeten in prijazen fant, z njimi se zabava, pleše ter pripoveduje vice. Vsi se zelo zabavajo, tako da še pomislil ni ko je prišel čas odhoda.

Vsi mu voščijo nasvidenje. In z rokami mahajo ko se dvigalo dviga. Dvigalo se dviga in dviga, ustavi se pred nebeškimi vrati, kjer ga že čaka Sv.Peter.

"Zdaj pa je čas, da obiščeš Nebesa."

Sedaj poslanec prebije 24 ur v skupini veselih duš, premikajo se iz oblaka na oblak, igrajo harfo in prepevajo. Imajo se super,tako da tudi teh 24 ur mine prehitro. In spet je pred Sv.Petrom.

"Dobro, prebil si en dan v peklu in en dan v nebesih. Zdaj pa izberi svojo večnost."

Poslanec malo pomisli, nato odgovori: "Saj,prej res ne bi nikdar tako rekel. Nebesa so res čudovita, toda mislim da mi bo bolje v peklu."

Sv.Peter ga zatem brez besed pospremi do dvigala ki ga pošlje dol, dol, dol in dol, do pekla.

Vrata dvigala se odprejo in on se znajde sredi zapuščene pokrajine polne raznih odpadkov in smeti. Med to umazanijo vidi vse svoje prijatelje,kako v črne vreče nabirajo odpadke in čakajo da pride še kaj od zgoraj dol. Vrag se mu pridruži in ga objame čez ramena.

"Ne razumem," zajeclja poslanec. "Včeraj sem bil tu, tukaj je bilo golf igrišče in klubska hiša, gostili smo se z jastogom in kaviarjem ter pili šampanjec, ter plesali in vsestransko zabavali. Zdaj pa je tu puščava polna odpadkov in umazanije in moji prijatelji izgledajo mizerno. Kaj se je zgodilo?"

Vrag ga smehljaje pogleda izpod čela: "Včeraj smo imeli volilno zborovanje..."

"... danes si pa volil."

Prevedel: J.K.
Prejeto od Suzan G. Kanada.
Originalni tekst:: Politician goes to heaven

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Perpetuum Jazzile U.S. Tour - 2011 schedule

A popular Slovenian choir with millions of views on their YouTube videos is finally scheduled to tour North America this summer. They perform jazz, pop and lately Slovenian folk music, received several awards for their performances and published six albums so far.

For this summer Perpetuum Jazzile's will be the one concert that you wouldn't want to miss for sure - if at all possible.

Photo "Perpetuum Jazzile performing in Gallusova dvorana (Gallus Hall) in Ljubljana" - courtesy of  Perpetuum Jazzile

2011 U.S. Tour schedule:

  1. Milwaukee, WI - University of Wisconsin’s Zelazo Center for the Performing Arts Saturday, June 18, at 8 p.m. Tickets for this show are $20 for general admission, $15 for seniors and students, and $5 for children 12 and under. Tickets can be purchased through the ticket office Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., by calling (414) 229-4308.

  2. Cleveland, OH - Waetten Auditorium on the campus of Cleveland State University in the Music and Communications Building on Monday, June 20 at 7:30 p.m.
  3. Cleveland, OH - Waetten Auditorium on the campus of Cleveland State University in the Music and Communications Building on Tuesday, June 21 at 7:30 p.m.
  4. Imperial, PA - West Allegheny High School’s Stewart Morgan Auditorium on Wednesday, June 22, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for this show are only $15 per person.

  5. New York City, NY - Gramercy Theater on Tuesday, June 28 at 8 p.m.

And just to refresh your memory - a video of Perpetuum Jazzile performing Bee Gees Medley - live at Vokal Xtravaganzza 2008 (October 2008) 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Euro Kvintet

Prekmurska gibanica, traditional food from Pre...Image via WikipediaIt used to be that the first tunes by new ensembles weren't all that good and it usually took them a while to break through and become popular or have a hit song.

I just heard the Euro Kvintet for the first time at one of the recent festivals in Slovenia (the truth is - I don't really know how long they have been around) - but their playing (I'm talking about the instrumental part of the song below) is absolutely superb and a real pleasure to listen to.

I like their name as well - no need to translate, it's international... :)

Check them out for yourself - Euro Kvintet with "V glasbi domači ni meja" (translation of the title would be something like: there is no limits to the folk music):

And the list of Euro Kvintet members:

  • Damjan Pasarič - harmonika (piano accorion) 
  • Aleš Lubi - kitara (guitar) 
  • Tomaž Podlesnik - bariton (baritone)
  • Mitja Skočaj - klarinet (clarinet) 
  • Aljoša Jurkošek - trobenta (trumpet) 
  • Maja Lavrin - vokal (vocal)

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Friday, April 15, 2011

In a year or two...

This is an example of two popular pop singers Špela Grošelj and Domen Kumer singing a nice Slovenian waltz Čez leto ali dve (In a Year or Two). One more proof how excellent vocals can make a huge difference in popularity of certain genre of music.

The lyrics go something like that in Slovenian:

Čez leto ali dve
bo drugače vse,
le ljubezen najina še bo trajala...

And in English:

In a year or two
everything will be different 
only our love will still last...
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